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Home > Wig Basics

Wig Basics


Wig is a kind of artificial hair product, which is widely used to change hair style, increase hair volume, cover baldness and other purposes. 

This article will introduce the basic knowledge of wigs, including the types of wigs, materials, selection and care.


The type of wig

1. Full Wig: A full wig is a wig product that covers the entire head, similar to a hat, and can completely change the hairstyle and hair color. Full wigs are usually made of synthetic or human hair and come with an adjustable cap to accommodate different head sizes.

2. Hair Piece: A hair piece is a small piece of wig, usually used to increase the volume of hair or cover certain areas of baldness. Hair pieces can be fixed to natural hair to make the hairstyle more full and natural.

3. Hair Extensions: A wig is a long, thin piece of hair that is usually used to extend the length of natural hair. They can be attached to natural hair by means of clips, adhesives, or braiding.

4. Hair Toppers: Hair toppers are a type of wig product similar to hair pieces, but larger and thicker, usually used to cover bald or sparse areas on the top of the head.


Choose the right wig

1. Color and style: Choosing the right wig color and style is very important to ensure that it matches natural hair and meets personal preferences. You can choose a color that is similar to your natural hair, or try new hair colors to add variety.

2. Head circumference and size: The wig needs to match the head circumference size to ensure comfort and stability. You can choose the right wig size based on your head circumference, or choose a wig with an adjustable cap.

3. Material and quality: Choose the right wig material according to your personal needs and budget. Synthetic wigs are suitable for short-term use and low cost needs, while human hair wigs are suitable for long-term use and higher quality requirements.


Wig care

1. Cleaning: Wigs need to be cleaned regularly to keep them clean and hygienic. Special wig conditioners can be used, washed and treated according to the instructions. 

2. Storage: When the wig is not in use, it should be stored in a clean, dry and well-ventilated place. Special wig holders or boxes can be used to store wigs and avoid knots and damage.

3. Heat treatment: Synthetic wigs are generally not resistant to high temperatures, so hot tools such as curling irons or hair straighteners should be avoided for perm or styling. Human hair wigs can withstand a certain degree of heat treatment, but it is still necessary to use heat tools carefully to avoid damaging the hair strands.

4. Combing: Use a wide tooth comb or special wig comb to gently comb the wig, avoiding excessive pulling and knotting. Before grooming, you can use a special wig spray or hair product to reduce static and keep it smooth.

5. Maintenance trim: Trim the wig regularly as needed to keep the hairstyle neat and orderly. You can have your hair cut by a professional stylist, or follow the instructions to trim it yourself.



All in all, wigs are a common beauty product for human beings, and they provide functions such as changing hair styles, increasing hair volume, and covering baldness. Understanding and knowing the basics of wig types, materials, selection and care is crucial to choosing and using wigs. Hopefully this article will provide you with the basics about wigs and help you feel more confident and satisfied when using wigs.

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