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Home > Skills for Car Paint Upkeep

Skills for Car Paint Upkeep


Car paint is an important part of the appearance of the vehicle, not only beautiful, but also can play a role in protecting the body. 

Therefore, the correct maintenance of the car paint is very important. The following will describe in detail how to maintain the car paint methods and skills.


1. Avoid wiping with hard objects

When stains or dirt appear on the surface of the car paint, do not use hard objects to wipe, such as ordinary rags or paper towels. Doing so can scratch the paint, causing fine scratches and damage. The correct approach is to use a soft sponge or professional car cleaning cloth to gently wipe the stain and avoid overexertion.


2. Wax regularly

Waxing is one of the important steps to protect car paint. The wax can form a protective film to prevent dirt and UV light from eroding the paint. It is recommended to wax the vehicle every 3-6 months, and the specific frequency can be adjusted according to the use of the vehicle and the environment. Before waxing, ensure that the surface of the vehicle is clean and choose the appropriate car wax product.


3. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight

Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause car paint to fade and age. Therefore, try to choose a place with shade when parking, or use a shade baffle to block. If it is impossible to avoid parking outdoors for a long time, you can consider using a vehicle cover to cover the entire body to play a certain protective role.


4. Repair scratches and stone hits in time

In daily use, car paint will inevitably appear some scratches and stone impact. If these damages are not repaired in time, they will accelerate the aging and corrosion of the car paint. Therefore, timely repair of scratches and stone impact is an important part of the maintenance of car paint. For small scratches, you can use the car paint repair pen to repair; For a large area of damage, it is recommended to seek professional car repair services.


5. Polish regularly

After a period of use, car paint may appear subtle oxidation and loss of luster. Regular polishing can restore the brightness and gloss of the car paint. Polishing can remove small scratches and stains on the surface, making the car paint look smoother and more fresh. It is recommended to polish the car paint every 6-12 months, either by using a car polish and polisher, or by seeking a professional car polishing service.


6. Keep the paint dry at all times

Wet conditions will accelerate the corrosion and aging of car paint. Therefore, as far as possible to keep the car paint dry is an important part of the maintenance of car paint. In rainy days or after car washing, it is necessary to dry the water traces on the surface of the body in time to avoid water droplets drying on the car paint and leaving water stains.


7. Check the paint condition regularly

Regular inspection of the condition of the car paint can find problems in time and take appropriate maintenance measures. Pay attention to observe whether the paint appears fading, oxidation, foaming or peeling phenomenon. If you find an anomaly, you can seek professional car repair and painting services to fix it.


To sum up, the maintenance of car paint requires regular cleaning, waxing, avoiding scratches and collisions, and paying attention to avoiding sun exposure and the use of acid and alkaline cleaners. In addition, timely repair of damage, regular polishing and keep the car paint dry is also very important. Through the correct maintenance methods and skills, you can maintain the gloss and life of the car paint, so that the vehicle always maintains a bright appearance.

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