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Home > What Should You Do for Your Car in Winter

What Should You Do for Your Car in Winter


With the arrival of winter, the temperature is gradually decreasing, and higher requirements are also put forward for the maintenance of vehicles. 

In this season, owners should carry out a series of necessary checks. Let's take a look at what you should check for your car in the winter.


1. Engine oil

First, you need to check whether the engine oil is clean and whether it needs to be replaced. In winter, the viscosity of engine oil will increase, if the oil is not clean or has deteriorated, it may affect the normal operation of the engine. Therefore, before the arrival of winter, clean oil should be replaced to ensure the normal operation of the engine.


2. Cooling system

The cooling system is an important part of keeping the engine running properly. In the winter, the cleanliness and concentration of the coolant should be checked, and if the coolant is insufficient or of poor quality, it should be replaced in time. At the same time, it is also necessary to check whether the various components of the cooling system are leaking or damaged, and if there is a problem, it should be repaired in time.


3. The battery

In winter, the temperature is low, the power of the battery will be affected, and it is easy to lose power. Therefore, before the arrival of winter, you should check whether the battery is sufficient, if the power is insufficient, you should charge it in time. At the same time, it is also necessary to check whether the connection of the battery is tight to prevent the loss of electricity due to loose connection.


4. Tire

The tire is the part of the vehicle in contact with the ground, and its condition is directly related to the safe driving of the vehicle. In winter, because the temperature is lower, the road may become slippery or icy, so it is necessary to check the depth of the tire pattern and air pressure to meet the standard. If the tire is seriously worn or the air pressure is insufficient, it will affect the grip and driving stability of the tire, and increase the risk of accidents.


5. Antifreeze and glass water

In winter, the temperature is low, and the antifreeze and glass water of the vehicle might freeze. Hence, before the appearance of winter, the neatness and grouping of antifreeze and glass water ought to be checked, and assuming that it should be supplanted, it ought to be supplanted in time. Simultaneously, check whether the pipeline of antifreeze and glass water is spilling or hindered, in the event that there is an issue, it ought to be fixed in time.


6. Body and lights

In winter, because of more rain and snow, vehicle safety is particularly important. Need to check the body for scratches or damage, if there is a problem, should be repaired in time. At the same time, it is also necessary to check whether the lights are working normally.


7. Air conditioning system

Although the winter temperature is lower, sometimes the temperature inside the car also needs to be adjusted. It is necessary to check whether the air conditioner is working properly. If the air conditioner has odor, it should be repaired in time. At the same time, it is also necessary to check whether the air conditioner filter is clean or needs to be replaced to ensure the fresh and healthy air in the car.


In brief, in order to ensure the normal operation and safe driving of vehicles in winter, owners need to carry out a series of necessary checks. These inspections include engine oil, cooling systems, batteries, tires, antifreeze and glass water, body and lights, and air conditioning systems. Only by doing these checks and maintenance work can the vehicle run safely and stably in winter.

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