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How to Maintain a Bike


As a convenient and environmentally friendly means of transport, bicycle is more and more attractive among people. 

However, it also needs to be properly maintained. This article will detail the steps and precautions on how to maintain your bike.


1.Regular cleaning

Cleanliness is the foundation of bike maintenance. Regular cleanliness curtails dust and dirt from your bike and prevents them from causing damage to your bike. It is recommended to clean the bike at least once a week, especially after riding in rainy days and muddy roads. To clean, first rinse the surface of the bike with water, and then wipe it clean with a clean cloth. Be careful not to use cleaners containing chemicals, so as not to cause corrosion to the bike.


2.Check the tire pressure

Tire pressure is an important factor that affects bicycle running. Low or high air pressure will affect the comfort and safety of riding. Therefore, tire pressure should be checked before each ride. If tire pressure is found to be insufficient, it is necessary to replenish gas in time. At the same time, it is also necessary to regularly check the wear of the tire, if the tire wear is serious, it should be replaced in time.


3.Adjust the brake

Brake is an important part to ensure riding safety. Regular check and adjustment of the brakes can ensure the sensitivity and reliability of the brakes. If it is found that the brake is not working or the adjustment is improper, it should be adjusted in time. When adjusting, it is necessary to ensure that the angle of the brake handle and the handlebar is appropriate, and the gap between the brake pad and the brake disc is moderate. At the same time, pay attention to the tightness of the brake line to prevent the brake line from being too tight or too loose.


4.Check the chain and sprocket

Chains and sprockets are a significant piece of the bike transmission framework. Customary review and cleaning of the chain and sprocket can guarantee the ordinary activity of the transmission framework. In the event that the chain or sprocket is viewed as worn or free, it ought to be supplanted or changed in time. While cleaning, wipe the chain and sprocket with a spotless fabric, don't utilize compound cleaning specialists.


5. Check the frame and wheels

The stability of frame and wheel is an important factor affecting riding comfort and safety. Regularly check the welding points and screws of the frame and wheels for loosening or damage, and repair or replace them in time if problems are found. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the stability and steering flexibility of the handlebars to ensure the comfort and safety of the ride.


6. Storage environment

The storage environment of the bicycle also has a great impact on its maintenance. It is recommended to store the bike in a dry, ventilated place, away from direct sunlight and humidity. If the bike is not used for a long time, it should be removed and wiped regularly to prevent rust and dust accumulation.


7. Regular inspection

In addition to daily maintenance, the bike should be fully inspected regularly. A full inspection can be carried out every quarter or half a year to ensure the normal operation of the various components of the bike. In the inspection, the various components should be carefully observed and tested, such as brakes, chains, tires, etc., to ensure that they are in good working condition.


In short, a bicycle’s upkeep requires daily attention and regular checks. By regular cleaning, checking the tire pressure, adjusting the brakes, checking the chain and sprocket, checking the frame and wheels, and paying attention to the storage environment, you can effectively extend the life of the bike and maintain a good riding experience. Let's take good care of our bicycles and enjoy a healthy cycling life!

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